SPOTS | Suggs Pediatric Outpatient Therapy Services

Suggs Pediatric Outpatient Therapy Services

Developing Sensory & Motor Skills Through Play


Handwriting Evaluation and Instruction

    • Evaluations

The ability to write legibly and efficiently is paramount to a child’s educational success. Evaluation of handwriting skills includes tests for legibility, speed, visual perceptual skills, visual motor skills, grasp, and fine motor skills. Often, difficulties with handwriting are a result of poor gross motor skills and postural control, or difficulties with sensory processing, visual tracking, or attention. Based on parent concerns and clinical observations by the therapist, a full sensory motor evaluation may be recommended. However, if based on evaluation results, the child appears to only be having difficulty with handwriting, then individualized instruction with a handwriting specialist would be recommended.

    • Handwriting Instruction

We instruct children in handwriting with an emphasis on hand strength, grasp, and correct formation and proportion of letters. Based on the program being used in the child’s school setting, the parents input and the handwriting specialist’s observations, we will be able to choose the most appropriate handwriting program for your child. Some of the programs we use include Handwriting without Tears, First Strokes, and Loops and Other Groups to name a few. In addition, we utilize a multisensory approach, which helps the child learn the motor pattern for each letter group before working on paper.

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